CWU Head Office welcomes Young Workers Reps for a Learning Forum
Union Matters June 15 2018Wednesday, 13 June 2018 brought together 38 Young Workers Reps representing 31 branches to CWU Head Office for the National Young Workers Reps’ Forum. The forum is the third of its kind and its purpose is to bring young reps – new and experienced – together to share experiences, network and learn about their role within their branch and the union as a whole.
The group was evenly split between new reps and those with more experience. Those new to the role (less than 1 year’s experience) were given a road map presentation by Adam Gibbins and Billy Hunt of the National Young Workers Committee on the role of being a branch young workers rep and talked them through resources, support and examples of how they can connect with younger members in their branch and region and ideas on how to get them engaged.
The more experienced reps were asked to consider the whole issue of redesign. The discussion was led by National Young Workers Committee members, Jake Fear and Jimi Brown and supported by Colm McAuley.
Both sessions were well received and in particular the redesign session created lively discussions and debate.
A full report will be published shortly and will be available from Jo Thair at CWU Head Office.