Hi all, thank you for taking part in this survey and also thank you for continuing to support this union.
I started work as a postman 30 years ago and I’ve always been clear that delivery is the toughest job in Royal Mail – a job that’s become even tougher. I’ve always strongly advocated member-engagement and, as part of reconnecting with the workplace and my own election pledge, I was clear that I’d prioritise seeking the views of as many of you as possible. The more of you who participate, the better informed we’ll be – and the stronger our collective voice – when we negotiate with the company. You are the union – let’s hear your voice! – Tony Bouch, Outdoor Assistant Secretary 

All the data received from this survey will be collated, securely, by the outdoor department and will be an invaluable aid to us in seeking to ensure our members’ needs and aspirations are met as far as possible.