Parcel and Delivery

The CWU is the biggest Postal industry trade union in the UK. We represent not just members in union recognised workplaces like Royal Mail but across the whole parcel and delivery sector, including DHL, Swiss Post, DPD, Amazon and many smaller locally based delivery companies. Because our members are spread across the industry we have a good understanding of the everyday pressures you may be facing and are here to support and advise you.

Right now with the current crisis of Covid-19 as a key worker in the parcel/delivery sector you are at the forefront of helping your communities delivering to businesses and homes, but you may also be concerned about your health and safety. We will be using the survey to continue to put pressure on the sector to ensure that safety measures are put in place for all workers.

If you haven’t done so already please complete the survey here

Information & Advice on Covid-19

Best Practice for Employers and Employees




General Advice

Government Notices:

Protecting your mental health:

Guidance on School Provision:

If you are interested in finding out more about the CWU and how we can support you at work please get in touch,

Parcel and Delivery

To receive a call back from one of our organisers please provide your name and number in the fields below. Your details will be kept in confidence and not shared with anyone in the company or with third parties.

You call also follow the CWU via Twitter and Facebook