LTB 137/24 – Telecoms & Financial Services Department and Union Restructure – Health & Safety

No. 137/24                                                                              

20th April 2024


Dear Colleagues,

Telecoms & Financial Services Department and Union Restructure – Health & Safety

In relation to the overarching proposals relating to Health & Safety to be debated at Annual Conference 2024, it should be noted that the T&FS Executive have had full responsibility for Health and Safety within our sector for some time, and therefore it is currently integrated in our industrial structures.  

Currently TFS Assistant Secretaries with responsibility for companies other than BT already take on responsibility for health and safety in conjunction with reps within those companies. In BT we have a Health and Safety Coordinator in each region, who interface with both the employer and the CWU National Teams. They also have responsibility to coordinate with Branches and USRs within their region.

The TFS Department’s primary aim has always been to maintain and improve coordination between the TFS Executive and all structures of the CWU, to ensure excellent provision of health and safety representation for our members.  As part of the re-structuring of the Union, we are committed to improve on this and intend to review the current provision to ensure we are succeeding in our objective.  This will include how Health and Safety Representatives can be more involved in industrial matters as well as interfacing with CWU central services, with issues such as regulative and legislative changes. 

We recognise the expertise that our USRs have to offer and will therefore engage in a consultation exercise with our branch and regional safety representatives prior to any decision on future changes in the T&FS Department’s approach to Health and Safety. 

We are absolutely committed to working with Health and Safety Representatives to ensure they can fulfill their role in the most effective manner and in the interests of ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing our members.

Yours sincerely,

Andy Kerr


LTB 137/24 – TFS Health and Safety