LTB 204/20 -Covid-19 Response from Postal Administrations and Trade Unions around the World
No. 204/20
16th April 2020
Dear Colleagues,
Covid-19 Response from Postal Administrations and Trade Unions around the World
The Postal Department has been working with Bill Taylor, Head of Research to compile documentation that outlines the approach that has been taken by other Postal Administrations and Trade Unions from around the World in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Branches will be aware that the Postal Executive has already endorsed a forward-looking strategy that was designed to put us ahead of the game and that this has been relayed to both the business and our members.
The attached research paper provides an accurate position on what is happening in other countries in terms of the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), social distancing measures, the services that are considered to be a priority, the frequency of delivery, the Post Office Network and the delivery of essential items to the public.
This wide-ranging document featured in a conference call with UNI on Tuesday 7th April 2020 and has been confirmed as still being an accurate reflection of what is happening in other Postal Administrations. It is however the intention of the Postal Department to continue to work with the Research Department to ensure that this paper remains “live” throughout the current crisis with the text being updated regularly as further developments occur and additional information is provided from other countries.
I am convinced that this comprehensive analysis will undoubtedly prove to be a useful aid to Branches as we continue to develop our policy going forward and use comparisons of what is happening elsewhere.
Any enquiries in relation to the content of this LTB should be addressed to the DGS(P) Department.
Yours sincerely,
Terry Pullinger
Deputy General Secretary (Postal)
20LTB204 Covid-19 Response from Postal Administrations and Trade Unions around the World
Attachment to 20LTB204 Coronavirus international postal response 3 April 2020