LTB 310/18 – General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

No. 310/18

23rd May 2018 


Dear Colleague,


LTB 227/18 dated 17th April 2018 informed Branches of the need to take action around the above new regulations that come into force on Friday the 25th May 2018.

Since that LTB we have taken time to consider what policies we need to introduce and what guidelines it is necessary for us to issue in order that we can be seen to be taking the necessary steps to ensure compliance.

The TUC have run a number of seminars/presentations on this issue that various members of CWU staff have attended. Additionally advice has been issued by a number of authorities with regard to the steps we need to take.

Following consideration of the issues raised at these events we are now in a position to issue a CWU “GDPR Policy and Guidance for Branches” document in advance of the new regulations coming into force.

As we stated in LTB 227/18 it important for us to understand that breaches of the new regulations can result in organisations being fined up to 4% of turnover. To put this in perspective, unless we take action to show we are compliant we risk a fine that could total up to £1.1 million for breaches. Clearly our job is to mitigate against such risk and as such the Policy and Guidance document is produced and distributed to ensure we alleviate that risk.

That document is attached to this LTB and all Branches are urged to read the document and act appropriately. It is through the compiling, issuing and compliance with these guidelines can the CWU be seen to have taken the necessary action under the law.

Should Branches require any further advice or wish to seek clarification around the contents of the Policy and Guidance document they should contact Denis Lenihan in his capacity as CWU Data Protection Officer by email at

Any enquiries regarding this Letter to Branches should be addressed to the Senior Deputy General Secretary’s Department on telephone number 020 8971 7237, or email address

Yours sincerely,


Tony Kearns
Senior Deputy General Secretary


GRPR Policy & Guidance for Branches