LTB 385/19 – CWU/RM National Terms of Reference – Uniform Trial Footwear Magnum Bandera Active Trainers & Panther Taormina Shoe (Non Safety)

No. 385/2019

24th June 2019


CWU/RM National Terms of Reference – Uniform Trial Footwear Magnum Bandera Active Trainers & Panther Taormina Shoe (Non Safety)


Dear Colleagues,

Branches will be aware that LTB 459/18 set out the Terms of Reference in relation to footwear trials of the Magnum Bandera Active Trainers and the Panther Taormina Shoe (Non Safety).

Following a prolonged and successful trial period, where some 5,000 Magnum Bandera Active Trainers and some 1,000 Panther Taormina pairs of Shoes where trialed, these received very positive feedback. As a consequence and following further discussions involving the Outdoor Department with Royal Mail Nationally, the business has now confirmed that both footwear items will now be added to the current non-safety range.

To confirm, the Magnum Bandera Active Trainer is based on a unisex sizing, whereas the Panther Taormina Shoe is based on ‘female fit’ sizes 2 – 7 and ‘unisex fit’ sizes 8 plus. It is expected that both items will be made fully available for general order by November this year.

This is a further and welcomed development regarding footwear, and specifically in regards to ‘female fit’ footwear which takes the full range of non-safety footwear items up to six in number. Attached to this LTB for your reference is a copy of a poster which details the current non-safety footwear range, including the Panther Discovery Vegan Trainer (also referred to as the Panther Emiliana, in the case of the female fit sizes 2-7) which are currently the subject of a jointly agreed National trial, the details of which are set out in LTB 314, dated the 24th of May.

Whilst the above details are self-explanatory and hopefully welcomed by Branches and members alike, any enquiries regarding this subject matter or uniform matters in general should be directed to the Outdoor Department, reference 500, email address:

Yours sincerely,


Mark Baulch             

CWU Assistant Secretary

LTB 385.19 – CWU_RM National Terms of Reference – Uniform Trial Footwear Magnum Bandera Active Trainers Panther Taormina Shoe