No. 524/2018

Ref: NC/KD

Date: 13th September 2018



Dear Colleague,


This briefing provides an update on the issue of attendance patterns in BT Consumer as a result of CWU Conference motion 14/2018 which reads as follows.

“Conference finds it unacceptable that despite strong representations from the CWU National Team and Consumer Branches, BT has failed to improve attendance patterns in BT Consumer contact centres as detailed in motion 71/2017. The TFSE is instructed to vigorously pursue this matter and report back to branches no later than 1st September 2018.”

Attendance patterns moved to a single framework as part of the 2015 Agreement with Consumer, which introduced new 4 day, 3 day and 9 day fortnight patterns.

Following the implementation of the changes in 2016, the Union has been seeking to improve the arrangements in place.

Specifically we have been arguing for:

1. Attendances that include a regular pattern for weekday Rostered Days Off.

2. Attendances that provide greater predictability.

3. Ensure that there is a fair mix of attendances after 6pm which end before site closure times.

4. An increase in the number of attendances that include a fixed Rostered Day Off.

5. A reduction in the overall level of weekend and late working.

6. New attendance options to improve work life balance, such as term time working, and better patterns for part time staff, women returning from maternity leave and people who are primary or sole carers.

During 2017 there were some limited improvements on the working of lates in Connections, but not the general improvement that we have been seeking.

Since CWU Conference this year the National Team has been in further discussions. These have been complicated by two issues.

Firstly, the Contact Centre Transformation programme which was briefed in August – see LTB 474/2018 – has dominated our agenda and prevented other discussions, while also delayed issuing this briefing.

Secondly, some improvements will only be possible once the current scheduling system is replaced. The new system is being trialled later this year and due to be deployed next year.

Nevertheless, the NT has continued to push BT to progress this matter. In particular, we feel that BT could quickly offer better attendances for part timers especially as Consumer was looking at this in detail in 2017.

Following pressure from the CWU, Consumer has agreed to discuss the current patterns with advisors around the UK and then consult on the findings with the National Team.

We would encourage all Branches and members to get involved in this process and stress the importance of the six points above.

Once we have the outcome of the Consumer exercise we will report further and now that the Contact Centre Transformation programme has been launched, this is a major priority for the National Team.

Yours sincerely


Nigel Cotgrove

Assistant Secretary
