LTB 543/19 Workplace Action on Mental Health – A Trade Union Guide – LRD Booklet 2019
No. 543/2019
13 September 2019
Our Ref: P26/19
To: All Branches
Dear Colleagues,
Workplace Action on Mental Health – A Trade Union Guide – LRD Booklet 2019
Mental health and ill health may currently be high in the news agenda, but people experiencing mental health problems are still facing numerous difficulties at work. Recent figures show that 300,000 workers with long-term mental health problems are losing their jobs each year, and many more with intermittent problems are struggling in their work.
A new booklet from LRD gives practical advice to Trade Union Representatives on workplace policies and procedures on mental health. It covers the law and mental health, health and safety law and the equality act, mental health policies, victimisation and harassment, training Mental Health First Aid, avoiding the ‘resilience approach’, procedures in the workplace, attendance, discipline, capability, workplace reasonable adjustments etc.
The booklet aims to help Union Reps and Health and Safety Reps to work with employers to make workplaces supportive for individuals experiencing either long-term or short-term mental health difficulties and to ensure that mental health problems are not created by work itself. It contains best practice guidance on the sorts of policies and reasonable adjustments that can be made to support affected employees and prevent others from struggling, and includes examples of action already undertaken by unions around the country.
The CWU, Royal Mail and BT are covered on pages 33-36.
Single copies of the Booklet cost £8.95 but orders over 100 reduce the price to £4.92 a copy for Branches considering bulk orders.
Order Form attached.
Yours sincerely
Dave Joyce
National Health, Safety & Environment Officer
19LTB543 Workplace Action on Mental Health – A Trade Union Guide – LRD Booklet 2019
IMG Workplace Action on Mental Health