No. 675/2017

14th December 2017


For the Immediate Attention of All: 

Postal Branches with Parcelforce Members

Parcelforce Regional Organisers

Parcelforce Representatives



Dear Colleagues

Branches and representatives will be aware that a commitment was agreed in 2012 to develop an incentive scheme covering all CWU grades across the business, including Parcelforce Worldwide.

This commitment introduced an ongoing £100 underpinning payment that would be paid in addition to any existing productivity or incentive schemes. The relevant section of the agreement is reproduced below:

“From 2013 onwards, in Royal Mail an underpinning £100 payment will be paid as an ongoing increase to the current Christmas bonus.  For those CWU represented grades in Royal Mail and Parcelforce Worldwide who do not receive the Christmas bonus, the following will apply: they will either receive the ongoing £100 as a payment in December of each year, or alternatively both parties can agree separate arrangements for this ongoing payment.”

Parcelforce have confirmed that for 2017 the £100 lump sum (pro-rata for part time workers) will be paid in December salaries to eligible employees.

Branches and representatives are requested to ensure that our PFW members are made aware of the contents of this LTB at the earliest opportunity.

Any enquiries in relation to this LTB should be addressed to Davie Robertson, Assistant Secretary, email: or quoting reference number: 106A.08

Yours sincerely


Davie Robertson                                                                                                                  

Assistant Secretary     

LTB 675-17 – PFW Underpinning Incentive Payment – 14.12.17