LTB 105/18 MIND – Managers Guide – Supporting Staff With Mental Health Problems
No. 105/2018
19 February 2018
Our Ref: P26/18
MIND – Managers Guide – Supporting Staff With Mental Health Problems
To: All Branches
Dear Colleagues,
Right now 1 in 6 workers is dealing with a mental health problem such as anxiety, depression or stress. This can stop people performing at their best.
Organisations perform better when their staff are healthy, motivated and focused.
Smart employers support employees who are experiencing mental health problems to cope and recover. The support people receive from employers is key in determining how well and how quickly they are able to get back to peak performance.
Standing by people when they experience a mental health problem is not only about keeping hold of a valuable staff member – it also sends a message about the organisation’s values.
All employees need to see that their employers live up to their stated values and treat their people well. Trust and integrity are key drivers of engagement and organisations that support staff reap the benefits in terms of loyalty and commitment from all employees.
We all have mental health – it moves up and down a spectrum from good to poor and it’s affected by a range of factors both in and outside of work. Starting a conversation about it doesn’t have to be difficult – MIND can show you how to effectively support staff and increase employee engagement, motivation and productivity.
This ‘MIND’ guide sets out simple, practical and inexpensive steps that any organisation can take to support staff at every stage of the mental health spectrum – whether they’re stressed or have a diagnosed mental health condition. The approaches in this guide are universal principles designed to support a diverse range of people across a range of workplaces. It looks at:
- How to create a culture that supports staff to be open about their mental health.
- How to have a conversation with someone about their mental health.
- How to support someone experiencing a mental health problem.
- How to manage an employee’s time off sick and their return to work.
MIND is not providing legal advice but practical guidance for employers. The guide is also useful for Trade Union Reps, helping measure the performance of employers and managers by helping check if they are stepping up to the mark and doing the right things and doing enough to support workers suffering mental health issues and in distress.
Having clear policies and approaches for managing mental health helps organisations ensure consistency in developing and delivering a clear positive culture and approach on mental health and communicating this clearly to all of the workforce.
Find attached pdf file copy of “MIND – Managers Guide – Supporting Staff With Mental Health Problems.”
Yours sincerely
Dave Joyce
National Health, Safety & Environment Officer
18LTB105 MIND – Managers Guide – Supporting Staff With Mental Health Problems
MIND – Managers Guide – Supporting Staff With Mental Health Problems