If you have never been in a trade union before you may not know much about them and have perhaps only seen a few clips on the news or on social media that do not always give a full or truthful account of what trade unions stand for, how they work and why it is important that you and all workers are part of one.
Here are some of the most common questions asked by those considering joining a trade union. If we haven’t covered your question or you still have more you’d like to understand, use the get in touch form at the end and we’ll do our best to help.
What is a trade union?
A trade union is an organisation made up of workers who come together to support one another and collectively call for change in their workplace. There are many trade unions across the U.K. representing workers in many different sectors and industries. Here at the Communication Workers Union (CWU), we help workers organise across the postal, telecommunications, finance, technology and digital sectors. We are a campaigning union and work hard to get our voice – our members’ voice – heard on a variety of issues such as fair pay, pensions, just terms and conditions, health and safety, flexible working and equal opportunities. Our primary objective is to protect and advance the interests of our members in their workplace. Trade unions are independent of any employer and solely funded by the membership.
Why should I join the CWU?
One of the main aims of a trade union is to negotiate with employers about matters affecting their members; which is why union members are statistically more likely to have a secure job with more paid holiday than the national average and more control over their working hours, as well as better sickness, pension, maternity and paternity benefits. Workers in unionised workplaces get paid around 6.5% more than workers in similar non-unionised workplaces. Being a member of the CWU gives you access to legal advice on employment matters and representation at disciplinary, grievance hearings and employment tribunals; restricting management from taking arbitrary action against any individual and fostering an environment where members feel more confident to voice concerns about issues in the workplace without fear of retaliation.
We know that we can achieve more together than we can alone. By joining a trade union, you are helping to grow a movement that promotes the values of solidarity, equality, and dignity at work.
How do I know if a union is recognised in my workplace?
In many of the workplaces our members work in, our union is officially recognised. This means there is a legal agreement requiring the employer to not only inform and consult on changes in the workplace but to negotiate on any key changes to terms and conditions, hours and holidays, as well as changes to policy and procedures, which members can vote to agree or not. It is likely that you were told during your induction about the CWU and many of your colleagues will already be members.
What if a trade union is not recognised in my workplace?
Even without legal recognition in your workplace, you can still benefit from advice, and support and are legally entitled to be represented individually if you were to face disciplinary, performance management, sickness absence procedures or need to put in a grievance. We can support you and your colleagues to grow and build a union in your workplace.
Does membership include legal support?
The CWU (& GMB) jointly own UnionLine which provides a full range of legal services and benefits to all CWU members. This includes personal injury and employment law claims, free simple wills, preferred rates for probate & Powers of Attorney, fixed rate conveyancing, as well as an advice line that covers any legal matter. We also have a criminal and regulatory service, a family law service and a dedicated Scottish Law firm service. We provide free legal advice, case preparation and merit assessments to members, and work alongside union officials to find the right negotiated solutions where appropriate.
Are there other benefits to joining a trade union?
Every member has access to an extensive range of consumer benefits covering shopping, motoring, health and well-being, travel and family days out and insurance. To name a few: discounted supermarket vouchers, free cinema tickets, discounted gym memberships, and access to the TOTUM card which offers a huge range of discounts on well-known brands.
At a local level, our branch representatives and branch officers are all trained to represent members with workplace issues and their training will include understanding internal workplace policies and procedures as well as a basic understanding of your legal rights within the workplace.
What if I have an issue at work now?
We always recommend that you join a union, not just if you have a problem, but we understand it doesn’t always happen like that. Whilst we cannot guarantee representation for pre-existing problems our local representatives and branch officers will always do their best to offer advice and guidance on your issue.
Interested or want to find out more?
Get in touch. Email: joinunion@cwu.org
You can also request a confidential callback from one of our team by completing the form below: