Big ‘yes’ to 2.5% pay deal from CBRE members
Telecoms & Financial Services July 1 2021Members in CBRE have voted by nine-to-one to accept a CWU-brokered pay deal which delivers a fully consolidated 2.5% increase.
Set against a relevant RPI inflation rate of 1.5% in March, the settlement represents a real term increase for members in CBRE, most of whom transferred from BT Facilities Services in 2019.
Commending the offer to members ahead of the ballot, which closed on Monday, outgoing CWU national officer for CBRE, Brendan O’Brien, said: “Following management’s improvement of an earlier 2.3% offer that had been rejected by the union as insufficient, the CWU’s CBRE National Team believes the revised quantum represents a fair and reasonable settlement that compares very favourably with the prevailing level of pay settlements being achieved across the UK economy.

Tracey Fussey
“Despite early indications by management that they are considering introducing some form of performance related pay, there’s no such element in the across-the-board deal we’ve been able to secure this year. The National Team will be determining its response as and when any firm proposals are tabled.”
Commenting on the ballot result, the union’s newly elected national officer for CBRE, Tracey Fussey, said: “We are pleased that the pay deal was overwhelmingly accepted and that members will see the much needed increase in July payslips along with any overtime and backdated to 1st June. We continue to await CBRE’s detailed proposals on the introduction of performance related pay going forward, and are particularly keen to understand the mechanisms that govern how these schemes work in practice.
“As such members can rest assured that we will be representing their interests diligently whatever proposals head our way. In the meantime, however, I’d like to thank our members in CBRE for giving such wholehearted backing to the pay deal we secured this year – one that in the National Team’s views was undoubtedly the best that could be secured by negotiation.”