Capita 2023 pay deal issues resolved after ACAS intervention

Postal, Telecoms & Financial Services, Capita, Capita

After involving the independent arbitration service, the CWU has finally secured full payment of the monies agreed with service provider Capita last year…

“This issue goes back to April of last year and we’re glad to get this sorted out eventually so that hard-working employees all get the cash they’re entitled to,” CWU national officer Tracey Fussey told CWU News today. Over 150 individuals had been left short-changed when they did not receive the full amounts due to them as a consequence of differences in how the ‘pro-rata’ payment of the lump-sum element of the agreement was calculated.

“Basically, the discrepancy arose over the variations in the number of hours worked each week,” Tracey explained, adding: “After we failed to reach a solution through direct discussions, it was agreed to refer the matter to ACAS and we were pleased to be able to report to our members late last week that the outcome of that conciliation process has been fully accepted by the company and, we feel, fairly resolves the matter.”

There was also an ongoing issue regarding the full application of the Real Living Wage in relation to the 2023 pay deal, the officer continued. “This matter, on which members affected have submitted grievances and industrial tribunal claims, is being dealt with through a COT3 agreement that will record the terms of the settlement of the claim.”

“We’re very grateful for members’ support and patience while we’ve worked to resolve the outstanding issues pertaining to the 2023 settlement, so thanks to members and also to our superb team of CWU reps. The union is now moving forward on the 2024 pay claim for members and we’ll be making an announcement on that later this week.”