Final day of the CWU Annual Conference – Postal & T&FS round up
Postal, Telecoms & Financial Services, Union Matters April 29 2022Postal Conference concludes – the big struggles begin
An inspiring video, which played to the sound of ‘Heroes’ by Alesso and portrayed postal workers at work, helping others, supporting great causes, and cheering up communities was how Postal Conference 2022 was brought to a close today…
Deputy general secretary Postal Terry Pullinger had introduced the short film at the end of a typically rousing speech, during which he had praised delegates, reps, activists and members for their fantastic contribution and incredible efforts over this past period.
He also thanked the officers and staff of the union for their hard work in what had been unprecedented times.
But for the leaders of Royal Mail and the Post Office, his words were far more critical, as he roundly denounced the actions and attitudes they had taken towards their greatest asset – their employees.
“It’s bullying, that’s what it is. It’s people with great wealth and power thinking they can do whatever they like and that people won’t stand up do anything about it.”
Terry listed various situations taking place at this time, from our own members in Royal Mail, the Post Office and BT, to the P&O workers who were summarily sacked and others in different companies who are bullied and abused in the workplace with no rights.
But, he continued, in all such situations there are the “very special people” who “stand up and make sure that something is done” to resist the bullies.
“That’s what you do,” he said to delegates. “And don’t you ever underestimate the role you play. Whenever you look in the mirror – you should see yourself as ten feet tall, because that’s what you are. You’re decent, honourable, courageous, dignified people who stand up for other working people – and you stand up against injustice.”
After a week in which conference has resolved to trigger a national disagreement with Royal Mail over pay and to actively back our Post Office members when they begin their pay strike next Tuesday, Terry vowed that, together and united, “we will lead these terrific members of ours to victory again.
“They do a marvellous job for this country and did so all through the pandemic. Our people absolutely are heroes and so this year, we’re going to finish with a video totally dedicated to the wonderful members we represent.”
The lengthy and enthusiastic applause which greeted the end of his speech, was repeated at the end of the video, which was moving, cheerful, emotional and, at times, humorous – for many in the hall, it will have brought back memories of the most challenging period that this country has faced.
As well as unanimously backing motions on Royal Mail pay and solidarity for our striking Post Office members, delegates this week have also approved key policy resolutions committing to renewed efforts to equalise pensions rights for our RMPFS members, to improve and strengthen our reps’ training, and to build and strengthen protections for members’ wellbeing.
CWU Postal delegates set off for the journey home today in a spirit of unity, determination and good cheer – ready to go back to their branches and prepare for the struggles ahead.
T&FS members ‘will not back down’ in their fight for a fair deal
The final day of T&FS Conference did not see delegates any less spirited, as they debated motions on issues such as joint approach agreements, engagement with Openreach over P&D processes on member’s personal issues, ensuring high levels of bargaining standards and child care.
Ending conference, deputy general secretary Andy Kerr wished well to all members in the struggles up ahead, telling delegates that “I always see these attacks and challenges as massive opportunities for us.
“We will be getting more members in, getting density in, and building membership.”
Drawing attention to VMO2, he paid tribute to the “loyal members” who have “stuck with this union” despite the CWU not being recognised, and said that coming months will be “our chance” to “put the CWU on the map” in that company, as well as many others.
Discussing BT, he said that the company “will have to start to listen”, as will other companies, “who will have to understand that this union won’t back down, and we will fight hard for any members we’ve got anywhere”.
But he urged all members to “get out and talk” in the coming months, as the fight in various companies grows and grows. “we’ve got to be out there, winning people’s confidence, growing the campaign among our members – in the end, that is how we win.”
CWU President Karen Rose also ended proceedings with a sincere thanks to all staff at the BIC and in the CWU, as well as her husband, and all CWU members for their “day in, day out” work on behalf of others – joking that “let’s be honest: people don’t call us up to tell us what a great day they’re having!”
The final day of T&FS did not see delegates any less spirited, as they debated motions on issues such as joint approach agreements, engagement with Openreach over P&D processes on member’s personal issues, ensuring high levels of bargaining standards and child care.
Ending conference, Deputy General Secretary Andy Kerr wished well to all members in the struggles up ahead, telling delegates that “I always see these attacks and challenges as massive opportunities for us.
“We will be getting more members in, getting density in, and building membership.”
Drawing attention to VMO2, he paid tribute to the “loyal members” who have “stuck with this union” despite the CWU not being recognised, and said that coming months will be “our chance” to “put the CWU on the map” in that company, as well as many others.
Discussing BT, he said that the company “will have to start to listen”, as will other companies, “who will have to understand that this union won’t back down, and we will fight hard for any members we’ve got anywhere”.
But he urged all members to “get out and talk” in the coming months, as the fight in various companies grows and grows. “we’ve got to be out there, winning people’s confidence, growing the campaign among our members – in the end, that is how we win.”
CWU President Karen Rose also ended proceedings with a sincere thanks to all staff at the BIC and in the CWU, as well as her husband, and all CWU members for their “day in, day out” work on behalf of others – joking that “let’s be honest: people don’t call us up to tell us what a great day they’re having!”