ISS pay discussions yield a deal

Telecoms & Financial Services, ISS-Facilities

Negotiations with ISS on the 2020 pay review, covering all ISS employees in the BT Workplace Team, have now concluded.

Under the company’s final offer, those members of staff on the Real Living Wage will see their pay rise from £9 per hour to £9.30  –  in line with the recommendation of the  Living Wage Foundation – with the rise being back-dated to June 1.

Meanwhile, hourly paid team members earning above the previous Real Living Wage rate of £9.00 will receive a 2.5% increase applied to their current hourly rate, with a minimum pay rate of £9.30 backdated to 1st June.

Brendan O’Brien

Assistant secretary Brendan O’Brien said: “Crucially the company’s final offer maintain in full the Real Living Wage-based pay rates formerly paid by BT Facilities Service that the union successfully ensured survived last year’s disputed TUPE transfer.

“For the comparatively small number of members who are already paid above the Real Living Wage, the 2.5% increase being applied to their current hourly rate maintains differentials and represents a reasonable cost of living pay increase in these uncertain times.

“The CWU has been assured by ISS that the increases will be paid out at the earliest possible opportunity.”


  • Members are reminded of the crucial importance of keeping their contact information up to date – so, if you have moved or changed your email address/  phone contact details, visit the CWU website ( and click the Member’s sign-in request at the very top of the page. This will guide you through the process and help the CWU keep you informed.